Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Accredited source to:,xcitefun-bermuda-triangle-photo-4.jpg

The legendary mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle can be traced back to as early as the mid 1940’s. The first recorded incident occurred when the bombed torpedoes from the notorious flight five failed to return from a practice route. Although this may be one of the earliest recorded incidents it was not the first. According to a Kidsworld Magazine journal entry, Christopher Columbus experienced the earliest encounter with the deranged area while sailing to the Americas in 1492. It wasn’t until 1964 when the Argosy Magazine developed the concept of the Bermuda triangle (Van Riper). The theory was very foggy but became the explanation to many of the perplexing occurrences during this time period. Essentially the “Bermuda Triangle” then became the labeled name for the triangular shaped region of San Juan and Puerto Rico surfacing the Atlantic Ocean. The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle claims to be responsible for the many aircraft and ship disappearances tied to powerful forces creating time warps. Other explanations include UFO activity and even the lost continent of Atlantis.

·        Van Riper, A. Bowdoin. “Bermuda Triangle” Dictionary of American  History. Ed. Stanley I. Kutler. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. 446. Gale U.S. History In Context. Web. 26 Oct.2011.

·        “The Bermuda Triangle: exploring the mystery of this underwater wonder.“ Kidsworld Magazine Spring 2011: 11+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 26 Oct. 201.

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